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Gesso ERP Integration Provider

Provides required functionality for interacting with erp platforms. Gesso-erp is a plugin framework for various erp backends (e.g., Acumatica). In order to use any erp functionality on the front end you will need to install gesso-erp and a supported gesso plugin library like gesso-acumatica.


The ERP provider exposes the following hooks/methods for developers to use to fetch data from their configured erp platform.


erp(plugins: Plugins, config = {}): Used to register plugins with the provider. The plugins parameter is an object containing plugin functions for various erp operations. The config parameter allows for customization of how the provider should function.


useInvoices(options: {id?: string, limit?: number}): Used for fetching customer invoices.

  • options (optional): The options paramater
    • id (optional): Used to fetch a specific invoice.
    • limit (optional): Used to limit the number of fetched invoices.

useAccount(id: string) Used for creating, retrieving and updating erp accounts.

  • id (optional): Used to get a specific account.


pnpm install @acromedia/gesso-erp