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Create Gesso


Create Gesso refers to the create script used to generate a new Gesso project.

pnpm create @acromedia/gesso

What you get

❯ pnpm create @acromedia/gesso

? Enter project name: Test
? Do you want to create a design system project? Yes
? Enter Figma token: [hidden]
? Enter Figma id: 123123
? Do you want to create a frontend project? Yes
? Which CMS do you want? Drupal
? Would you like to setup a Drupal backend: No
? Would you like to enter existing CMS url:
? Which Commerce platform do you want? BigCommerce
? Enter BigCommerce X-Auth-Token: [hidden]
? Enter BigCommerce Store Hash:
? Enter BigCommerce Storefront URL:
? Enter BigCommerce Frontend URL: http://localhost:3000
  • Design system
  • Nextjs Frontend
  • A CMS Integration ( Currently only Drupal available )
  • A Commerce Integration

Upon completion you will receive a working site that mimicks Gesso Demo Site

This includes the following pages:

  • homepage
  • catalog
  • product
  • cart
  • checkout