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Paragraph Types


We've created the Gesso Paragraph module to expedite the setup process when building a new website. Below, you'll find comprehensive list of these paragraph types along with detailed descriptions.


lando composer require acromedia/gesso_paragraphs
lando drush pm-enable gesso_paragraphs

Paragraph Types

IconLabelMachine nameDescription
AccordionAccordionaccordionComponent: Displays content contained within a rich media accordion component.
Accordion ItemAccordion Itemaccordion_itemSub-Component: An item that is displayed within the Accordion component.
Basic ContentBasic Contentbasic_contentComponent: Common HTML content like text and images.
ButtonButtonbuttonSub-Component: Display a button.
ButtonsButtonsbuttonsComponent: Display a group of buttons.
CardCardcardSub-Component: Display information within a card style.
CardsCardscardsComponent: Display a list of Card components.
CarouselCarouselcarouselComponent: A slideshow component for cycling through slides that contain text/images.
DividerDividerdividerComponent: A line break that is used to go between other components for visual separation.
Embed CodeEmbed Codeembed_codeComponent: A component for embedding code onto the page (YouTube videos, Google Maps, etc).
IconIconiconSub-Component: Display an icon with various display options.
ImageImageimageComponent: An image that can be linked if needed.
ModalModalmodalComponent: A rich media modal popup that displays a message or content.
SectionSectionsectionLayout Component: A section used for layouts.
Section Blocksection_blockComponent: A component to embed a Drupal "Section Block".
Slide Carousel Wrapperslide_carousel_wrapperComponent: Provides a flexible carousel wrapper that can be used to render images, cards, and strap components.
SpacerSpacerspacerComponent: Create empty space between components.
StrapStrapstrapComponent: A strap with various configuration options to display content.
TabTabtabSub-Component: The actual tab that appears within the Tabs component.
TabsTabstabsComponent: Display content within clickable tabs.