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Hosting on lagoon


In order to deploy your project on the Lagoon platform, the Gesso Design System requires two tokens to have the environment successfully built.

These two lagoon variables are:

  • GITLAB_API_TOKEN : Please generate this token through the GitLab Project Page under Settings » Repository » Deploy tokens

    Token details: Name: GITLAB_API_TOKEN Scopes: read_registry & read_package_registry

Once the token generated, execute the following command by replacing the correct values. lagoon add variable -p [REPLACE_WITH_PROJECT_NAME] -e [REPLACE_WITH_ENVIRONMENT_NAME] -N GITLAB_API_TOKEN -V "[REPLACE_WITH_TOKEN]" -S build

FONT_AWESOME_TOKEN : This token can be found in 1Pass under the name: Font Awesome.

Once you have the token on hand, execute the following command by replacing the correct values. lagoon add variable -p [REPLACE_WITH_PROJECT_NAME] -e [REPLACE_WITH_ENVIRONMENT_NAME] -N FONT_AWESOME_TOKEN -V "[REPLACE_WITH_TOKEN]" -S build

If you need help installing or configuring the Lagoon CLI please visit this page: How to configure Lagoon CLI.