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Minor Changes

  • 6f94395: Migrating decodeHTMLEntities to only impact clientside components.

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • fde46e7: Added optional includes parameter to Product and Catalog plugins to bigcommerce.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • b187c95: fix: remove split name conversion for customer edit and use respective properties.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • a52c6ba: Add workaround for Big Commerce 12 Facets limit


Minor Changes

  • 9dbfed6: Add seo type for gesso product. Add seo data to gql request for product in bigcommerce. Map seo data from big commerce to gesso.
  • ede7130: Add facets and sorting to useProductSearch for Shopify

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [9dbfed6]
  • Updated dependencies [ede7130]


Minor Changes

  • 8f9c3c8: moves decodeHTMLEntities helper util from BigCommerce to Core as its usefulness is not limited to BigCommerce
  • 24e76cb: Changed catalog.tsx to properly run via API and work with any sized product catalog, instead of just working with a limited set in-page

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [24e76cb]


Minor Changes

  • ee01bc1: Extend gql for products to include related products field. Add related products to buildProduct mapper.

Patch Changes

  • 478fe55: fix: use commerce format currency function instead of redefining another.
  • 352ef12: Update dependencies and clean up dependency tree
  • Updated dependencies [352ef12]


Major Changes

  • bff9b4a: # Gesso V5 Update

    • 6 Functions Removed
    • 1 Theme Token Removed
    • 3 Components Removed
    • 12 Components With Removed Props
    • 2 Export Names Changed
    • 8 Type Changes

Patch Changes

  • e840dfc: Switch type from useCustomerPlugin to renamed type CustomerPlugin.
  • Updated dependencies [e840dfc]
  • Updated dependencies [bff9b4a]
  • Updated dependencies [bff9b4a]


Minor Changes

  • 6577137: Adjust order total calculation to not factor discount in big commerce. This calculation is inaccurate. Move discount display just above order total as this subtraction is done last.
  • cfd5fd6: Refactor product fragments and use product query helper functions to pull in product gql queries.

Patch Changes

  • 5c1e69c: Use cart item productId for cart urls. This ensures bigcommerce product pages display changes as expected when product options change.

  • 6577137: Use shipping excluding tax for shipping price on invoice.

  • 76feb61: ### Fixed

    • Fixed issue with emails not encoding on customer signin, which was breaking forgot password if there was a plus sign in the email.


    • Server side logging when login fails


Minor Changes

  • a915cc9: Add lineItems to query for big commerce cart. This allows us to support product customization reference ids as they were originally added from the product page.


Patch Changes

  • 93ea514: Order media correctly so the default image is first


Minor Changes

  • 44e261b: Added price and sku to productoptions for use on the frontEnd

Patch Changes

  • b7a8241: Update: update docs and read me to use new commands and functions.
  • Updated dependencies [44e261b]


Minor Changes

  • e95eefc: Add support for product variation inventory in big commerce and extend core Product type.

Patch Changes

  • 84a841a: Fix calculation for order total on order review page.
  • Updated dependencies [e95eefc]


Minor Changes

  • 5b6dc72: Implemented react hook form
  • d53b264: Add product search sorting to BigCommerce

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • e406835: Add a config option to allow plugin to return product tags as names instead of ids.

Patch Changes

  • 427f62f: Adjusted CartItemProperties interface in in core Cart. Also adjusted shopify's useCart hook to set merchandiseId as product variantId.
  • 54f1216: Remove outdated license settings in package.json
  • a257243: Corrected spelling error on formattedDescription. Adjusted shopify Product to use formattedDescription as other libraries do.
  • Updated dependencies [427f62f]
  • Updated dependencies [a257243]


Patch Changes

  • e579951: Change variable name to be NEXT_PUBLIC and remove GESSO as its BC val

  • 198fc2b: BigCommerce's api throws an error if you use a string instead of a number for channel_id.

    Also updated the error message to display this:

    Axios error data: { status: 422, title: 'JSON data is missing or invalid', type: '', errors: { channel_id: 'error.expected.jsnumber' } } Generated Gesso bigcommerce config

    if something is invalid, giving the user better than ERR_BAD_REQUEST.


Minor Changes

  • fa9550e: BigCommerce useProduct accepts an entityId or a SKU and will attempt to auto determine which one has been passed
  • c6e721d: Allow for optional channel_id when creating bigcommerce token

Patch Changes

  • 11e619c: Updates BigCommerce product variants to contain only their options opposed to merged list of all availalbe options for that product
  • Updated dependencies [5afc784]
  • Updated dependencies [11e619c]


Minor Changes

  • 8990ef8: Changed product hook to return html description and use it in ProductDetails component

  • 72b712a7: ## Commerce Function Refactoring:

    • Refactored commerce function for generic usage, supporting various platform plugins.
    • Moved refactored commerce function to the commerce package.

    Config Function Refactoring:

    • Config function now generic, accepts a generateTokens function for any needed platform tokens.
    • Refactored config function moved to the core package.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [8990ef8]
  • Updated dependencies [72b712a7]


Minor Changes

  • f849e7c: Add forgot password support, primarily for bigcommerce

Patch Changes

  • 3516229: Fix dataset being mapped for product options to match expected schema in big commerce graphql.


Minor Changes

  • a0ae478d: Extend product options to include isVariantOption. useProduct/getProduct hook now split product options into 'variant' option types and all option options to feed into separate parts of the gql query. These options will allow us to pass customizations through to the product and provide a more accurate gql response, in the case of picklist products this means updating the price with the various selected product options.
  • 570cf1c7: "Extend big commerce data schema on UseProductSearch to support brands. Add branch support to useProductSearch."
  • eb3f61cf: add create customer functionality to middleware
  • 6115e3df: "Add pageinfo to allow for pagination on product search results."
  • a1dff1d2: Update BigCommerce Orders plugin to pass an array of ProductOptions
  • 92ba8fe5: add create account functionality to template
  • e8e54cb4: add edit functionality to the customer fields
  • 3f5bf9bc: Add support for addOns as part of CartItem properties. Adjust starter kit formData so payload can handle big commerce customizations in add cart.

Patch Changes

  • 92cae5f2: Patch for inconsistent arguments across useProduct and useProductSearch.
  • c9d2f5a4: Adjust productOptions functionality to allow for undefined edges
  • cfa64829: Remove unnecessary api calls for customer when not logged in
  • 0f5049c4: Add back missing fragments from product search.
  • Updated dependencies [570cf1c7]
  • Updated dependencies [a1dff1d2]
  • Updated dependencies [3f5bf9bc]


Minor Changes

  • a2de32e: implemented the GetCustomerPayments
  • 8d7f10a: Add customer edit functionality to middleware and move login functionality to login
  • e5321ff: Add functionality to plugin so it can retrive, edit, add and delete addresses through middleware.

Patch Changes

  • 0663dae: Temporary workaround for bigcommerce product response issues


Minor Changes

  • a3e1ad5: adds plugin for big commerce orders
  • 2f3eb9c: implemented signIn functionality
  • 33ec202: Extend ProductOption types in core and bigcommerce to include ProductPickList. Refactor ProductOption types for multiple implementations in bigcommerce. This will enable product-addon integration in consuming clients.
  • a3e1ad5: NEXT_PUBLIC_BIGCOMMERCE_STOREHASH env var is needed for useOrders and other management hooks
  • 5008386: aligns Orders response with frontend requirements, related type updates

Patch Changes

  • ffa08ac: Remove unnecessary duplicate call to productOptions
  • Updated dependencies [5008386]
  • Updated dependencies [33ec202]


Patch Changes

  • 3ae6b52: "Add missing gql query for custom fields."


Minor Changes

  • 4b19bf6: "Extend Product types in core and bigcommerce to have isPurchasable bool. This allows us to infer what product variants are purchasable skus on the product page. Certain product option combinations are sometimes invalid and need to be blocked in UI. This option is configurable via the related ecommerce integration on a per-product basis."
  • 00c2594: Implemented overridable queries for Customer
  • ddff405: "Extending big commerce data type for custom fields."
  • 0072813: adds adjustments to bigcommerce cart response to simplify integration with Gesso cart component

Patch Changes

  • f0b1457: On newer versions of Next (13.3+) you could get http/https redirect issues when connecting to the bigcommerce API via proxy.
  • f076ddd: Cart would not update quantity in some cases, cart update now correctly uses variationId if needed
  • Updated dependencies [4b19bf6]
  • Updated dependencies [0072813]


Minor Changes

  • 762d1c2: "Reverting type change back to string for ProductOption."

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 14f323f: "Updating ProductDetails for new product options data."
  • 98613c6: Add variant and improved option support to Commerce

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [14f323f]
  • Updated dependencies [98613c6]


Minor Changes

  • 6353016: Add filters and facet data types for bigcommerce filter data.

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • cf652ac: Fix issue with bigcommerce generateConfig when called from create-nextjs


Minor Changes

  • 03f2414: Added server to server support for bigcommerce via customer impersonation tokens

Patch Changes

  • 8c694e8: fix: resolve duplicate fragment calls in Product query
  • beb3459: added query override functionality to catalog
  • 12c9aeb: add query overide functionality to product plugin
  • Updated dependencies [12c9aeb]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • edc0ea0: Update @types/react


Patch Changes

  • 7b31884: bigcommerce gesso config would not properly load existing config


Minor Changes

  • 5a00441: Correct issues with category fragment big commerce.


Minor Changes

  • 8adc6a9: Correct issues with category fragment big commerce.
  • d12eb31: Update declarations location.


Patch Changes

  • e05d614: - adjusts getCatalog query to add productCount
    • refactor for nested category support.


Major Changes

  • f49ee1f: gesso v4 version bump

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 1f759ce: - updates bigcommerce query to return full product description
    • renders response in ProductDetails component passed to product pages in nextjs


Patch Changes

  • 89df947: Correct product id to use entityId
  • Updated dependencies [89df947]


Patch Changes

  • 6347b5a: Fixes issue with incorrect id returning for product from bigcommerce useProduct


Patch Changes

  • 3b6e7d2: Implements useCheckout in starterkit, Fixes useCheckout create/update billing methods


Minor Changes

  • 948d5fe: Add useCheckout


Patch Changes

  • b4eb3f5: fix: updates types and related component fixes for cartpage implementation


Patch Changes

  • e87d20a: Fix issue where env would not get created
  • e87d20a: Add missing option for bigcommerce hash and storefront url


Patch Changes

  • cd5805b: bigcommerce config will now generate a config file even without an xauth token, it will just not request a bearer token
  • 33feba4: Migrate cli functionality to main gesso-cli app


Minor Changes

  • 496af45: updated cartItem for bigcommerce and fixed typo in the Currency interface


Patch Changes

  • fdadc4d: Updates interfaces for plugin config
  • Updated dependencies [fdadc4d]


Patch Changes

  • c210469: Corrected naming of useCommerce to commerce, although old way is still supported, just deprecated
  • Updated dependencies [c210469]


Major Changes

  • a11ea27: Release v3 Gesso packages

Patch Changes

Bug Fixes

  • correct broken versioning (56a9668)
  • correct broken versioning (c1a1f0f)
  • readme updates and deploy sku fixes (4b3cf51)
  • remove unnecessary null typing on brand (efa7276)
  • sku inconsistencies (efa0936)


1.6.8 (2022-11-03)

Bug Fixes

  • product tests because of bc product update (47c8dba)
  • update useCart (f58cdc9)
  • updated useCart to match gesso-commerce (221fd01)
  • wrong parameter name (2e4e8e8)

1.6.7 (2022-10-28)

Bug Fixes

  • automatically append http to local url (9e18ca2)

1.6.6 (2022-10-20)

Bug Fixes

  • comment spelling in Product.spec (b1af484)

1.6.5 (2022-10-19)

Bug Fixes

  • don't segfault if no product is found (fcf0ad2)

1.6.4 (2022-10-07)

Bug Fixes

  • incorrect type for properties color (77a6f25)

1.6.3 (2022-10-07)

Bug Fixes

  • lint error for cart.spec.tsx (42d0662)
  • update bigcommerce api proxy asset (2c94d2a)
  • useCart get method (296b849)

1.6.2 (2022-10-07)

Bug Fixes

  • missing price filtering on product search hook (34193ed)
  • missing price filters (637dce4)

1.6.1 (2022-10-03)

Bug Fixes

  • add url parameter to catalog children (1e66404)

1.6.0 (2022-09-30)


  • add brand searching to useProductSearch (696d38f)

1.5.1 (2022-09-29)

Bug Fixes

  • missing properties in product response (52c010c)

1.5.0 (2022-09-26)


  • add HexColor to swatch options (b429a29)

1.4.3 (2022-09-23)

Bug Fixes

  • types export from product and catalog (a0a0354)

1.4.2 (2022-09-23)

Bug Fixes

  • exported types for product and customer (7fb1078)

1.4.1 (2022-09-22)

Bug Fixes

  • add useCatalog to default plugin export (0e6c45a)

1.4.0 (2022-09-22)


  • add root level category support and subcategories (a9585f0)

1.3.0 (2022-09-21)


1.2.3 (2022-08-17)

Bug Fixes

  • change back to single token as multiple tokens are not easy to use (6e0631c)

1.2.2 (2022-08-10)

Bug Fixes

  • change gesso config array to object (9543085)

1.2.1 (2022-08-10)

Bug Fixes

  • add all the lagoon routes in the cors origins for BC (36d69f3)
  • generate multiple bigcommerce tokens (1f10d3a)

1.2.0 (2022-08-04)


  • update cli app to have options for config and scaffolding (8b7f15e)

1.1.5 (2022-08-03)

Bug Fixes

  • add missing resolve to example filepath (9ef7c96)

1.1.4 (2022-08-03)

Bug Fixes

  • add missing example files to package.json (54a2b62)
  • add missing spread operator on existing config (8b864f1)

1.1.3 (2022-07-27)

Bug Fixes

  • missing cart export (caae357)
  • remove catch which just supressed errors (eef3257)

1.1.2 (2022-07-07)

Bug Fixes

  • restructure and update code for product (f6e85da)

1.1.1 (2022-07-07)

Bug Fixes

  • added more product details (5d2475e)
  • gesso commerce version and use null coalescing when checking sales price (7c7c1ab)
  • useProductSearch bug (cf5be41)
  • useProductSearch bug (5871f83)

1.1.0 (2022-07-04)

Bug Fixes

  • update CI to run gesso-bigcommerce setup (14a4ccd)


  • remove env dependencies and switch to just config (89e0f11)

1.0.2 (2022-06-21)

Bug Fixes

  • remove cross origins header is it is not allowed by the api (b22bc52)
  • token generator app was using the wrong url variable (df9681b)

1.0.1 (2022-06-13)

Bug Fixes

  • test access control header (21ed68c)

1.0.0 (2022-05-25)

Bug Fixes

  • add autogenerated cypress fixtures folder to gitignore (906fe25)
  • add comment explaining need for console log (fa494de)
  • add env variables to ci file (d3c2a0d)
  • add husky and rollup (e88c39f)
  • add npm config to gitlabci (e7a223f)
  • add required exclusions and inclusions to tsconfig, fix lint errors (dda6616)
  • clean up ci file, remove unnecessary lines I added by accident (084227e)
  • convery commitlint config naming to work with esm style (4559d83)
  • correct EXAMPLE_USER_PASS variable in env example file (b6de373)
  • gitlab ci semantic release trigger branch (0ed755c)
  • log error message, remove unnecessary console log (814af19)
  • make husky config executable (cfa0718)
  • missed in prev commit, add incl. and excl. to main tsconfig file (76321e1)
  • missing configurations (46bedb1)
  • missing release config (cdfb574)
  • move transpiled js to dist folder (28cb545)
  • package registry path (0f82910)
  • proper husky pre-commit checks (e0f4c25)
  • remove local url from request body, allowed_cors_origins should only take one element per api docs (5c41ab4)
  • replace console log for bearer token (99c2d5a)
  • rollup overwriting bin file (d72ec7c)
  • setup ci (0a153a1)
  • setup code standards (4f53d54)
  • working react/cypress tests for product (ebe5608)


  • add config file support (361db01)
  • add gql login functionality and basic tests (706c38a)
  • add gql login functionality and basic tests (9c08135)
  • add prettier settings and eslint plugin, run linter to clean up files (dbd9d2d)
  • add the useLogout hook and tests for successful logout (de9402b)
  • add the useLogout hook and tests for successful logout (3d4b594)
  • convert from jest to cypress (75cff8b)
  • implement login and logout as single hook w functions (95d0760)
  • initial commit (2e3c3f0)
  • make branch dependent on newest gesso-commerce release (11843ee)
  • rearrange config to be more secure (d4011d7)
  • remove config and replace with just env variables (b7e3797)
  • update gesso-commece package dependency (6a0b74b)
  • update gesso-commerce dependency to 1.13.0 (c69b863)
  • update gesso-commerce dependency version (ac8ddee)
  • update gesso-commerce dependency version, fix lint errors (fded265)
  • update gesso-commerce package dpendency (7310273)
  • update hooks to new architecture with functions, update test (996779c)
  • update to gesso-commerce 1.13.1 (bb88309)
  • updated gesso-commerce dependency version (5f105c1)