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Minor Changes

  • 13a8b3f: Add: order plugin for drupal commerce intergration to allow pulling customer orders.


Minor Changes

  • 6f94395: Migrating decodeHTMLEntities to only impact clientside components.

Patch Changes

  • 31898b1: Fix: don't return a product if its missing a price.
  • 985625f: update the transformProductName function to better handle entity names
  • 66ff6f2: Fix the product links when navigated from within the cart
  • 376d958: Enhance sorting methods and behaviour within Product plugin to align API call with expected UI in catalog templates.
  • dbc9b6b: Fix: update where gesso-auth is set so data is ready when status is updated.
  • cc635e3: Update: add brand to useProduct response.
  • Updated dependencies [6f94395]


Minor Changes

  • 00be2ab: Revert: remove JWT authentication and revert to using session cookie.

Patch Changes

  • 15b9b24: Add missing fields in cypress test to pass form validation for updating address.


Patch Changes

  • 5b09db0: Edit: update updatePassword method to take in existingPassword prop and move request to middleware.
  • d82199a: Fix: offest property is now only applied to a page filter instead of a product filter.
  • bbf5d9d: Edit: change direct drupal reqs to drupal middleware reqs.
  • 74ee579: Handle product media as possible array for the product search plugin
  • 17b4197: Update: make phone field in checkout hook use field name from config if avaible.
  • 6051b51: Switch plugins to call the drupal commerce middleware instead of the cms directly to allow for jwt authentication.


Patch Changes

  • e92f212: Adds improved type safety to drupal commerce useProductSearch. Fixes error thrown when product index has no facets.
  • b9d4398: Allow drupal product variation image field name to be configurable
  • 499474f: Edit: logout request to use logout token to properly end the session.
  • b07a19a: Return unmapped product data under data property
  • 69e66da: Replace call to graphqlClient with call to middleware and fix tests accordingly.
  • f86c00d: Allow user to alter default product image field name
  • 1fe5639: Adjusted the graphql query for useProduct to use the product-variation-type name instead of product-type name.
  • Updated dependencies [b07a19a]


Patch Changes

  • 8252de6: Allow for the configuration of machine names for first name, last name and phone number for Customer rest and jsonapi methods
  • fde46e7: Added optional includes parameter to Product and Catalog plugins to drupalcommerce.


Patch Changes

  • 1d727c0: Fix: switch grabbing attributes from search api to graphql.
  • Updated dependencies [eda72b5]


Patch Changes

  • 02e87c2: Allow for custom query fragment for fetching current customer


Patch Changes

  • 09c9d84: Allow use of config to set the search api index names else default to hardcoded names


Patch Changes

  • 3e3651e: Includes the checkout plugins and test for drupal commerce integration


Minor Changes

  • cbc6432: Feat: add catalog hook to drupal-commerce plugin to allow pulling catalogs from drupal.

Patch Changes

  • 40aafb0: Fix: only return the matching product variant.
  • b187c95: fix: add missing last name update functionality to update function.
  • 6508257: Added the adjustments property to the cart object when no items are available and adjusted some verbiage.


Minor Changes

  • af19949e5: feat: add cart plugin for drupal-commerce to allow for cart actions

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 29d64f7: feat: add productSearch and product hook to drupal-commerce plugin to allow pulling products from drupal.

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [24e76cb]
  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [517db02]
  • Updated dependencies [e10e52b]


Minor Changes

  • de7fa73: feat: add drupal commerce customer plugin.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [34e0807]
  • Updated dependencies [de7fa73]
  • Updated dependencies [5a2fc8b]
  • Updated dependencies [2386c76]
  • Updated dependencies [352ef12]
  • Updated dependencies [478fe55]