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Minor Changes

  • 6f94395: Migrating decodeHTMLEntities to only impact clientside components.

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • bbf5d9d: Add: Update Graphql to pull default address and use it to return the primary property in address.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • fde46e7: Added optional includes parameter to Product and Catalog plugins to shopify.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 42f1781: Shopify now correctly returns the checkout url


Minor Changes

  • ede7130: Add facets and sorting to useProductSearch for Shopify

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [9dbfed6]
  • Updated dependencies [ede7130]


Minor Changes

  • 8f9c3c8: adjusts useOrders to call shopify-middleware or handle an accessToken passed through options. Updates graphQL queries for missing data and aligns return values for consistency across providers.
  • 517db02: Adds password reset functions to shopify plugin, Adds password reset flow to starter-kit
  • e10e52b: Implemented the ability to change defaut address in the backend rather than just hold the address in state on the frontEnd

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [24e76cb]


Minor Changes

  • 5a2fc8b: Implemented the getCheckoutUrl call
  • 222a9fb: Passed getCheckoutUrl and create condition to decide where to redirect customer

Patch Changes

  • 34e0807: Adjusted the useCustomer::update function to handle customer address functionality and call shopify-middleware.
  • 352ef12: Update dependencies and clean up dependency tree
  • Updated dependencies [352ef12]


Major Changes

  • bff9b4a: # Gesso V5 Update

    • 6 Functions Removed
    • 1 Theme Token Removed
    • 3 Components Removed
    • 12 Components With Removed Props
    • 2 Export Names Changed
    • 8 Type Changes

Patch Changes

  • e840dfc: Switch type from useCustomerPlugin to renamed type CustomerPlugin.
  • Updated dependencies [bff9b4a]


Patch Changes

  • 937ced0: Adjusted and normalized the product url in the cart plugin.
  • 13e408e: build product now returns sku as intended


Patch Changes

  • d8a41f2: Adjusted the useCustomer::get method to take in an options parameter.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 369c80b: In the useCart hook, the logic is now removed to get a variantId and add it to the cart because the logic is now handled in Product/[id].tsx.
  • 52df2db: Fix input value for Shopify add/create customer hook
  • Updated dependencies [0fa3efa]


Patch Changes

  • bf3284d: Replaced globalizeProductId function with a more generic globalizeId function and moved it to a util directory. The product plugin was also adjusted to only return the ProductOption as a number and created logic in the useCart hook to find a variantId from the options selected.


Minor Changes

  • 5ab3b86: Adjust unit price to use shopify product price as this relates to the equivalent idea for "unit price" in shopify gql schema.

Patch Changes

  • 1bb8dcb: refactor(productOptions): Filter out options with "Default Title" value
  • 5519b9b: Changed cart summary to show for empty cart.
  • 427f62f: Adjusted CartItemProperties interface in in core Cart. Also adjusted shopify's useCart hook to set merchandiseId as product variantId.
  • 54f1216: Remove outdated license settings in package.json
  • a257243: Corrected spelling error on formattedDescription. Adjusted shopify Product to use formattedDescription as other libraries do.
  • Updated dependencies [427f62f]
  • Updated dependencies [a257243]


Patch Changes

  • c0c874e: Updated the Shopify package useCatalog to also query productTags to render categories on catalog page.


Minor Changes

  • 0f169f2: feat: add Customer hooks (payments and password reset not currently included)

Patch Changes

  • 5afc784: Updated the product card to render price ranges if the unit price is unavailable. Adjusted the shopify package to use price range if there is no variant supplied.
  • fa9550e: Shopify returns the numerical id, not the entire url style id
  • Updated dependencies [5afc784]
  • Updated dependencies [11e619c]


Minor Changes

  • e3a7208: fix useProduct search return type and pull catalog without id
  • 1e96edc: default option type to select and add properties to cartitem
  • e3b2d83: add useOrders hook for shopifuy integration
  • fe5b938: expose useProductSearch hook for shopify
  • 056cff4f: adds useCart hook for shopify package

Patch Changes

  • ab01e45: Correct SHOPIFY env variables to GESSO_SHOPIFY
  • Updated dependencies [8990ef8]
  • Updated dependencies [72b712a7]


Minor Changes

  • 9955252: Added shopify as a commerce option to the create gesso script