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Minor Changes

  • 6f94395: Migrating decodeHTMLEntities to only impact clientside components.


Patch Changes

  • b07a19a: Return unmapped product data under data property


Patch Changes

  • eda72b5: Moved the PasswordValidationOptions interface to Gesso core.


Patch Changes

  • af19949e5: add: type property to cart item properties so we can pass the product type to the add method of useCart.


Patch Changes

  • 29d64f7: feat: Add type prop to product type to allow drupal-commerce products to be added to a cart.


Minor Changes

  • 9dbfed6: Add seo type for gesso product. Add seo data to gql request for product in bigcommerce. Map seo data from big commerce to gesso.
  • ede7130: Add facets and sorting to useProductSearch for Shopify


Minor Changes

  • 8f9c3c8: moves decodeHTMLEntities helper util from BigCommerce to Core as its usefulness is not limited to BigCommerce
  • 24e76cb: Changed catalog.tsx to properly run via API and work with any sized product catalog, instead of just working with a limited set in-page


Patch Changes

  • 352ef12: Update dependencies and clean up dependency tree


Major Changes

  • bff9b4a: The id property on the interface Product is now type string instead of type number | string


Minor Changes

  • 44e261b: Added price and sku to productoptions for use on the frontEnd


Patch Changes

  • e95eefc: Add support for product variation inventory in big commerce and extend core Product type.


Patch Changes

  • 0fa3efa: Fix: Add new invoices data props (terms, unitOfMeasure, discountTotal) and deprecate old ones (shippingTotal, orderNumber)


Patch Changes

  • 427f62f: Adjusted CartItemProperties interface in in core Cart. Also adjusted shopify's useCart hook to set merchandiseId as product variantId.
  • a257243: Corrected spelling error on formattedDescription. Adjusted shopify Product to use formattedDescription as other libraries do.


Patch Changes

  • 5afc784: Updated the product card to render price ranges if the unit price is unavailable. Adjusted the shopify package to use price range if there is no variant supplied.
  • 11e619c: Updates BigCommerce product variants to contain only their options opposed to merged list of all availalbe options for that product


Minor Changes

  • 8990ef8: Changed product hook to return html description and use it in ProductDetails component

  • 72b712a7: ## Commerce Function Refactoring:

    • Refactored commerce function for generic usage, supporting various platform plugins.
    • Moved refactored commerce function to the commerce package.

    Config Function Refactoring:

    • Config function now generic, accepts a generateTokens function for any needed platform tokens.
    • Refactored config function moved to the core package.


Minor Changes

  • 570cf1c7: "Extend big commerce data schema on UseProductSearch to support brands. Add branch support to useProductSearch."

Patch Changes

  • a1dff1d2: Updates CartItemProperties to also accept an array
  • 3f5bf9bc: Add support for addOns as part of CartItem properties. Adjust starter kit formData so payload can handle big commerce customizations in add cart.


Minor Changes

  • 33ec202: Extend ProductOption types in core and bigcommerce to include ProductPickList. Refactor ProductOption types for multiple implementations in bigcommerce. This will enable product-addon integration in consuming clients.

Patch Changes

  • 5008386: updates cart types to accept numbers and strings for total/subtotal depending on implementation


Minor Changes

  • 4b19bf6: "Extend Product types in core and bigcommerce to have isPurchasable bool. This allows us to infer what product variants are purchasable skus on the product page. Certain product option combinations are sometimes invalid and need to be blocked in UI. This option is configurable via the related ecommerce integration on a per-product basis."
  • 0072813: adds adjustments and CartLineItems interface to core for synchronicity between packages


Minor Changes

  • 762d1c2: "Reverting type change back to string for ProductOption."


Minor Changes

  • 14f323f: "Updating ProductDetails for new product options data."
  • 98613c6: Add variant and improved option support to Commerce


Minor Changes

  • 6353016: Add filters and facet data types for bigcommerce filter data.


Minor Changes

  • 12c9aeb: add graphql query override functions


Patch Changes

  • d92f848: Add a url property to the Product interface and use if passed in the ProductList component.


Major Changes

  • f49ee1f: gesso v4 version bump


Minor Changes

  • 89df947: Consolidated a number of disconnected types into @acromedia/gesso-core, products and carts can now be shared between components and hooks


Patch Changes

  • 9044e4a: Build gesso-core and publish externally


Major Changes

  • a11ea27: Release v3 Gesso packages


Minor Changes

  • 8266511: Added UseContentSearch Hook


Minor Changes

  • 36a594050: Initial Gesso-Core release, publishes shared Response functionality for use with providers