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Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • bd513c6: Fix issue when running script without useLocal flag where gesso-drupal package incorrectly marks version as workspace:*"
  • Updated dependencies [12c2d76]


Patch Changes

  • 1eb40b1: Update dynamicPage to use a generator to not be drupal specific
  • c7e6365a0: Update: switch to using Dynamic Page components from gesso-next package.
  • 7a72225: Update: switch to using the ProductPage component from gesso-next package
  • dbc9b6b: Fix: update template conditionals to exclude session provider from next-auth when using drupal-commerce and update useSession to useCustomer status in layout.
  • 9230e8d: Implement redirect handler in dynamic routes
  • 4d306a3: Refactor SlideCarouselWrapper and ProductMediaCarousel
  • Updated dependencies [fcebaa4]
  • Updated dependencies [06377c8]
  • Updated dependencies [c5e676f]
  • Updated dependencies [dbc9b6b]
  • Updated dependencies [525f98a]
  • Updated dependencies [d1218eb]
  • Updated dependencies [4d306a3]
  • Updated dependencies [4db15347a]
  • Updated dependencies [6f94395]


Minor Changes

  • fbe9e02: Update dynamic content and blog pages to render ContentPageSkeletons until response is loaded.
  • 4d80530: Migrate catalog page code into gesso-next.

Patch Changes

  • 00be2ab: Update: remove refrences to drupal-commerce-middleware in middleware provider and remove JWT sign in and sign out functionality for drupal-commerce in next-auth.
  • 463147f: Update: switch to using page components from gesso-next package.
  • 3ba683b: Update the Blog link in the header to direct to /blog page.
  • Updated dependencies [167a4d1]
  • Updated dependencies [3ba683b]
  • Updated dependencies [f0a0b57]
  • Updated dependencies [167a4d1]
  • Updated dependencies [78bcf0b]
  • Updated dependencies [00be2ab]
  • Updated dependencies [00be2ab]
  • Updated dependencies [2219831]
  • Updated dependencies [460b9b3]
  • Updated dependencies [fbe9e02]


Patch Changes

  • e563120: feat: import and use CheckoutPage from the next package and remove refrences to old CheckoutPage.
  • bbf5d9d: Fix: Change the default config for Drupal Commerce hasPrimaryAddress to true to allow for setting primary addresses.
  • Updated dependencies [bbf5d9d]
  • Updated dependencies [bbf5d9d]
  • Updated dependencies [5b09db0]
  • Updated dependencies [bbf5d9d]


Minor Changes

  • f1feb11: - Adds /blog listing page to cms templates (facets currently disabled).
    • Sets contentSearchResults config to true in cms.js to utilize up to date interface for ContentSearch.
    • Fixes a few lint issues that would sometimes jam up CI/Lagoon randomly.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [d5d1a57]
  • Updated dependencies [f1feb11]
  • Updated dependencies [5ebf83a]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 69e66da: Add logoutToken and csrfToken to JWT.
  • 499474f: Add: signout event to next auth to fire the logout method with the jwt token on signout.
  • cf4f404: Switch out mock data for shipping profile data from checkout hook in the faq inside the CheckoutComplete component.
  • 78e6a60: Add account page url prop to account menu component to add link to account page.
  • Updated dependencies [78e6a60]
  • Updated dependencies [32415b2]
  • Updated dependencies [666d5cd]
  • Updated dependencies [10f3d12]
  • Updated dependencies [b07a19a]
  • Updated dependencies [499474f]
  • Updated dependencies [32415b2]


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • eda72b5: Implemented error and success messages on account edit and accountCreate

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 0e9f670: Fix SearchBar mobile prop functionality
  • Updated dependencies [0e9f670]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • cd1c365: Use new customer prop with the response from a useCustomer call and remove deprecated props.
  • 25f0f58: Removed stepper from the checkoutInformation, checkoutReview, and checkoutComplete template pages.
  • Updated dependencies [cd1c365]
  • Updated dependencies [25f0f58]
  • Updated dependencies [7fb0e47]


Minor Changes

  • 80b73ae: Add lagoon url config and env setup

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 387fdfa: Updates Redirect interface to a more defined specification, adds Redirects config to create-nextjs

Patch Changes

  • 56ec02d: Update starter kit ignore files
  • d67f91c: catalog page would sometimes send empty filters which could cause incorrect search results
  • Updated dependencies [052daa0]
  • Updated dependencies [cb958d2]


Patch Changes

  • 6142d9b: Update .gitlab-ci.yml to a simplified test version instead of broken template version
  • 7e198e6: Fix: add next search param for brand query and apply the filter based on the value.
  • 6142d9b: Move .lagoon file creation to correct spot
  • Updated dependencies [b187c95]
  • Updated dependencies [b187c95]
  • Updated dependencies [7e198e6]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 5c546ef: update checkout/complete page to use data related to CartSummary from actual api response. Partial implementation, further cleanup to come in task specific MR's.
  • 6efc229: update cart page to render CartItemSkeleton until response is loaded. Also applies to elements using the CartItem design, such as checkout/review and order[id].
  • 610dd9e: update cart page and home page carousels to render CardSkeletons until response is loaded

Patch Changes

  • f42b860: Added a currentAlert state in the account details template
  • 42f1781: Using acumatica as the ERP but not commerce would overwrite some commerce settings
  • Updated dependencies [5c546ef]
  • Updated dependencies [a52c6ba]
  • Updated dependencies [610dd9e]
  • Updated dependencies [6efc229]
  • Updated dependencies [42f1781]


Minor Changes

  • ede7130: Remove alphabetical sort option as it is not supported by all backends and not recommended
  • 9c7a816: Add conditional template wrapper for shopify on payment gateways card.
  • ede7130: Add facets and sorting to useProductSearch for Shopify
  • 588e2b1: update catalog page to render FacetsSkeleton until response is loaded

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 706fa0a: Update @acromedia/create-gesso script to include drupal-commerce
  • 24e76cb: Changed catalog.tsx to properly run via API and work with any sized product catalog, instead of just working with a limited set in-page
  • 517db02: Adds password reset functions to shopify plugin, Adds password reset flow to starter-kit
  • e10e52b: Implemented the ability to change defaut address in the backend rather than just hold the address in state on the frontEnd

Patch Changes

  • 6d8e562: fixed the facetPriceRange so that the inputs are cleared when the ranges are erased in the above component
  • 81ae8bf: pass product directly into ProductCards rendered in carousels on index and cart pages to reduce amount of code required to render
  • Updated dependencies [81ae8bf]
  • Updated dependencies [706fa0a]
  • Updated dependencies [6d8e562]
  • Updated dependencies [81ae8bf]
  • Updated dependencies [afdf358]
  • Updated dependencies [24e76cb]
  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [24e76cb]
  • Updated dependencies [8f9c3c8]
  • Updated dependencies [24e76cb]
  • Updated dependencies [517db02]
  • Updated dependencies [e10e52b]


Minor Changes

  • 5a2fc8b: Implemented the getCheckoutUrl call
  • 222a9fb: Passed getCheckoutUrl and create condition to decide where to redirect customer

Patch Changes

  • 1eb2ce6: Drupal route template now supports paths multiple levels deep, aka. /thing/subthing
  • d4fbd5b: add: link href for login page's forgot password button.
  • 34e0807: Adjusted GessoAuth to also accept a user access token.
  • c5392ef: updates MenuData to use links property, replacing deprecated children property to better align with cms-provider Menu interface.
  • d4f3ce9: Update cart page template to remove unnecessary default of optional saveProductCallback prop
  • 352ef12: Update dependencies and clean up dependency tree
  • Updated dependencies [34e0807]
  • Updated dependencies [7c33ff1]
  • Updated dependencies [478fe55]
  • Updated dependencies [34e0807]
  • Updated dependencies [478fe55]
  • Updated dependencies [be7e52e]
  • Updated dependencies [34e0807]
  • Updated dependencies [ee01bc1]
  • Updated dependencies [de7fa73]
  • Updated dependencies [5a2fc8b]
  • Updated dependencies [2386c76]
  • Updated dependencies [ee01bc1]
  • Updated dependencies [de7fa73]
  • Updated dependencies [222a9fb]
  • Updated dependencies [7dd18c6]
  • Updated dependencies [c5392ef]
  • Updated dependencies [efd2922]
  • Updated dependencies [352ef12]
  • Updated dependencies [478fe55]
  • Updated dependencies [34e0807]


Major Changes

  • bff9b4a: Update import useCms to cms

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 5a896a8: set all usages of height prop in Spacer to use nearest matching spacing token
  • Updated dependencies [477baa9]
  • Updated dependencies [1ef5633]
  • Updated dependencies [937ced0]
  • Updated dependencies [39fe056]
  • Updated dependencies [13e408e]
  • Updated dependencies [046bd9a]
  • Updated dependencies [547271c]
  • Updated dependencies [d870c12]
  • Updated dependencies [94dec38]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 34a1971: Added the Divider component within the footer's children in the layout.tsx.
  • Updated dependencies [6577137]
  • Updated dependencies [5c1e69c]
  • Updated dependencies [cfd5fd6]
  • Updated dependencies [6577137]
  • Updated dependencies [586a97b]
  • Updated dependencies [76feb61]
  • Updated dependencies [36b863c]
  • Updated dependencies [34a1971]
  • Updated dependencies [56ad5f9]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 61fe9cf: Add Skeleton to invoice index and details page for acumatica templates
  • 3533f88: Backported and simplified product select logic so it is no longer required in page template
  • Updated dependencies [3533f88]
  • Updated dependencies [3533f88]
  • Updated dependencies [93ea514]


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [126559a]
  • Updated dependencies [126559a]
  • Updated dependencies [126559a]


Minor Changes

  • 44e261b: changed [id] page to pass the product and removed the need to modify it
  • f804b77: add: breadcrumbs functionality on starter-kit

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 5b6dc72: Implemented react hook form

Patch Changes

  • 369c80b: Logic was added in the Product/[id].tsx to find the current variant data based off of the currently selected options.
  • Updated dependencies [89d020c]
  • Updated dependencies [369c80b]
  • Updated dependencies [98712f5]
  • Updated dependencies [5b6dc72]
  • Updated dependencies [1612222]
  • Updated dependencies [0fa3efa]
  • Updated dependencies [d53b264]
  • Updated dependencies [f8b0e1a]
  • Updated dependencies [0a5b573]
  • Updated dependencies [0fa3efa]
  • Updated dependencies [0fa3efa]
  • Updated dependencies [52df2db]


Patch Changes

  • bf3284d: Added product variants to the properties object in the product/[id].tsx.
  • 2982e25: align starter kit with desired UX defaults for Links
  • 2ee50c4: Fix: address type safety concern by checking the type of before using it in handleChange for addToCartOption on product page
  • Updated dependencies [bf3284d]
  • Updated dependencies [2982e25]
  • Updated dependencies [2ee50c4]
  • Updated dependencies [889d371]


Minor Changes

  • ce17a8a: Add: create invoices page and dynamic invoice page

Patch Changes

  • e406835: Change frontend catalog page logic to filter by name instead of id.
  • 1fad601: Fix: show all invoices from useInvoices hook
  • 7a28c08: fix: make create account link point to correct href.
  • 427f62f: Adjusted CartItemProperties interface in in core Cart. Also adjusted shopify's useCart hook to set merchandiseId as product variantId.
  • 54f1216: Remove outdated license settings in package.json
  • Updated dependencies [e406835]
  • Updated dependencies [1bb8dcb]
  • Updated dependencies [5ab3b86]
  • Updated dependencies [94d1584]
  • Updated dependencies [ce17a8a]
  • Updated dependencies [f9ab59d]
  • Updated dependencies [ed32eed]
  • Updated dependencies [5519b9b]
  • Updated dependencies [306cf36]
  • Updated dependencies [427f62f]
  • Updated dependencies [3d01ae2]
  • Updated dependencies [ce17a8a]
  • Updated dependencies [aba8317]
  • Updated dependencies [1bb8dcb]
  • Updated dependencies [d8c544c]
  • Updated dependencies [54f1216]
  • Updated dependencies [cb914c1]
  • Updated dependencies [ce17a8a]
  • Updated dependencies [ce17a8a]
  • Updated dependencies [a257243]


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • fa9550e: Any usage of ProductCard now uses for the url instead of product.sku

  • 8606ed3: add erp package to existing copyTemplates and installPackages steps and create setupErp step to generate needed env vars, configs and to call all nessacary functions realated to setting up erp

    refactor how middleware gets setup by removing templates and creating a setupMiddleware function to allow for multiple platform middlewares to be setup

  • fa9550e: Product template parameter is id now instead of sku

Patch Changes

  • 5afc784: Updated the product card to render price ranges if the unit price is unavailable. Adjusted the shopify package to use price range if there is no variant supplied.
  • Updated dependencies [8606ed3]
  • Updated dependencies [8606ed3]
  • Updated dependencies [fa9550e]
  • Updated dependencies [8606ed3]
  • Updated dependencies [5afc784]
  • Updated dependencies [fa9550e]
  • Updated dependencies [dcbeba7]
  • Updated dependencies [91fe461]
  • Updated dependencies [91fe461]
  • Updated dependencies [8606ed3]
  • Updated dependencies [fa9550e]
  • Updated dependencies [d974f44]
  • Updated dependencies [acdc991]
  • Updated dependencies [fa9550e]
  • Updated dependencies [11e619c]
  • Updated dependencies [0f169f2]
  • Updated dependencies [c6e721d]


Minor Changes

  • 72b712a7: acumatica starter-kit setup
  • a447ad29: Implementation of E2E testing for the account flow

Patch Changes

  • 05c3ad8f: Updated the forgotPasswordUrl and createAccountUrl props and moved forgot-password and create-account pages within the account directory.
  • 8aa7470: fix spacing before the related product section in cartPage mobile view
  • 208c49c: Added url check to e2e checkout test to wait for page to load
  • 1bc2882: Removed a number of small leftover bigcommerce dependencies that would install in non-BigCommerce installs
  • 208c49c: Remove some e2e testing checks that caused race conditions against the backend
  • 4d711e7: fix: only use localizeDependencies when useLocal is true
  • 1bc2882: Removed a number of component tests as they were BigCommerce specific and also in the future will be covered by e2e tests instead
  • ab01e45: Moved a bunch of templates around so they are in the correct spot
  • 416b6a6e: Add outline variant to starter kit
  • ab01e45: Correct SHOPIFY env variables to GESSO_SHOPIFY
  • Updated dependencies [8990ef8]
  • Updated dependencies [3b16e0d]
  • Updated dependencies [e3a7208]
  • Updated dependencies [aaaed5d]
  • Updated dependencies [aee5fe2]
  • Updated dependencies [72b712a7]
  • Updated dependencies [4d711e7]
  • Updated dependencies [363c90f]
  • Updated dependencies [45d4d78]
  • Updated dependencies [1bc2882]
  • Updated dependencies [46b3fb0]
  • Updated dependencies [72b712a7]
  • Updated dependencies [cd6b73be]
  • Updated dependencies [1e96edc]
  • Updated dependencies [aaaed5d]
  • Updated dependencies [e3b2d83]
  • Updated dependencies [2f4f054e]
  • Updated dependencies [fe5b938]
  • Updated dependencies [ab01e45]
  • Updated dependencies [056cff4f]
  • Updated dependencies [1bc2882]


Patch Changes

  • a3a7020: Adds contact form template
  • d706686: Adjusted the CheckoutInformation component to render the checkout flow regardless if the user is logged in or anonymous.
  • 2f9b547: Fixed logout functionality so the session is properly removed on redirect
  • Updated dependencies [a3a7020]


Minor Changes

  • 9955252: Added shopify as a commerce option to the create gesso script
  • f849e7c: Add forgot password support, primarily for bigcommerce

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • e8e54cb4: add functionality to customer details page
  • ce731d1b: Set standardized gesso-auth cookie name to be used to check if a user is logged in. It doesn't handle security, just used as a flag for making additional API calls.
  • 087a2671: feat: acumatica middleware functionality
  • 92ba8fe5: add create account functionality to template
  • 3f5bf9bc: Add support for addOns as part of CartItem properties. Adjust starter kit formData so payload can handle big commerce customizations in add cart.

Patch Changes

  • ef36d719: fix: remove next links underline
  • 9a45acba: Added new test cases to the E2E test to ensure coverage
  • 3c460f11: change link urls to proper paths
  • cab72380: Change Gesso Demo support link
  • f5ca6457: Add a reroute for unlogged in customers
  • 1cfb754c: Change verbiage within checkout flow
  • f1b0059b: Don't show payment-methods when using bigcommerce
  • 57b4a190: Removed default Roboto font from nextjs starter-kit
  • Updated dependencies [861f889f]
  • Updated dependencies [92cae5f2]
  • Updated dependencies [a0ae478d]
  • Updated dependencies [d3022ad0]
  • Updated dependencies [570cf1c7]
  • Updated dependencies [6e0c182a]
  • Updated dependencies [eb3f61cf]
  • Updated dependencies [153e6575]
  • Updated dependencies [ff2b4af2]
  • Updated dependencies [1cbe3514]
  • Updated dependencies [8cca013e]
  • Updated dependencies [3b5b773e]
  • Updated dependencies [6115e3df]
  • Updated dependencies [3431f07a]
  • Updated dependencies [a1dff1d2]
  • Updated dependencies [e8e54cb4]
  • Updated dependencies [1cfb754c]
  • Updated dependencies [c9d2f5a4]
  • Updated dependencies [69a7eac7]
  • Updated dependencies [92ba8fe5]
  • Updated dependencies [d50d1442]
  • Updated dependencies [cfa64829]
  • Updated dependencies [087a2671]
  • Updated dependencies [a1dff1d2]
  • Updated dependencies [92ba8fe5]
  • Updated dependencies [e8e54cb4]
  • Updated dependencies [0f5049c4]
  • Updated dependencies [65092bc5]
  • Updated dependencies [bd25fed1]
  • Updated dependencies [3f5bf9bc]
  • Updated dependencies [0b7c8283]
  • Updated dependencies [06a23bb4]


Minor Changes

  • bd1d847: Adds cartActions as an array of actions. Deprecates primaryAction and secondaryAction in both Cart and CartSummary.
  • 393bea8: Password Reset/Update support for Drupal.
  • e5321ff: Add address page functionality.
  • 9b8ae72: Added the login functionality to the dropdown menu and redirect logged in users from /login to /account
  • a2a20df: ui fixes

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [a2de32e]
  • Updated dependencies [b64d82f]
  • Updated dependencies [8d7f10a]
  • Updated dependencies [bd1d847]
  • Updated dependencies [e5321ff]
  • Updated dependencies [e5321ff]
  • Updated dependencies [a969c9a]
  • Updated dependencies [9b8ae72]
  • Updated dependencies [a2a20df]
  • Updated dependencies [0663dae]
  • Updated dependencies [92fb2ba]


Minor Changes

  • 2f3eb9c: implemented signIn functionality
  • 5008386: feat: account/orders and account/[id] functionality implemented, related adjustments
  • a3e1ad5: NEXT_PUBLIC_BIGCOMMERCE_STOREHASH env var is needed for useOrders and other management hooks

Patch Changes

  • a1d1f9b: Correct add to cart message to contain cart link
  • 289cc3a: Add nextauth_url
  • Updated dependencies [a3e1ad5]
  • Updated dependencies [2f3eb9c]
  • Updated dependencies [a415abf]
  • Updated dependencies [33ec202]
  • Updated dependencies [a3e1ad5]
  • Updated dependencies [5008386]
  • Updated dependencies [566de37]
  • Updated dependencies [ffa08ac]
  • Updated dependencies [5008386]
  • Updated dependencies [a1d1f9b]
  • Updated dependencies [9b80b35]
  • Updated dependencies [9bbc3c9]


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [8489f95]
  • Updated dependencies [965207a]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • f0b1457: On newer versions of Next (13.3+) you could get http/https redirect issues when connecting to the bigcommerce API via proxy.
  • 0072813: updates CartPage template to use latest useCart response and Cart props. Adds deprecated props to lint rule.
  • f076ddd: ShoppingCartIcon did not account for quantity, required updating prop to match CartItem type, slightly breaking change.
  • df7f944: Callback for addtocart were all mismatched, cleaned up and simplified, did result in removing cartAction
  • Updated dependencies [57f89a4]
  • Updated dependencies [f0b1457]
  • Updated dependencies [4b19bf6]
  • Updated dependencies [00c2594]
  • Updated dependencies [ddff405]
  • Updated dependencies [fe8d3b3]
  • Updated dependencies [0072813]
  • Updated dependencies [75f21ff]
  • Updated dependencies [f076ddd]
  • Updated dependencies [0072813]
  • Updated dependencies [7847368]
  • Updated dependencies [75f21ff]
  • Updated dependencies [df7f944]
  • Updated dependencies [c353a13]
  • Updated dependencies [f076ddd]


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [b2effa4]
  • Updated dependencies [762d1c2]
  • Updated dependencies [cd454b8]
  • Updated dependencies [e21791f]


Patch Changes

  • 7548628: Fix issue with layout causing infinite loop
  • Updated dependencies [68486a9]
  • Updated dependencies [6d36893]
  • Updated dependencies [773c30c]
  • Updated dependencies [f6aaf71]
  • Updated dependencies [a57e174]
  • Updated dependencies [14f323f]
  • Updated dependencies [350f9d8]
  • Updated dependencies [4307638]
  • Updated dependencies [98613c6]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • f3bcf65: starter-kit-core was incorrectly set as a dev dependency
  • Updated dependencies [cf652ac]


Minor Changes

  • 03f2414: Added support for custom templates for all cms and commerce options, not just Drupal
  • eb3e9dc: add createAccountForm component and create a mock page for it
  • 03f2414: Added API route for using bigcommerce middleware for server2server calls

Patch Changes

  • 2f4182f: updates all usages of deprecated props to current props, adds lint rule in background to check for this
  • 372826d: update the instance of the Strap in index template to use the new featured prop object with no impact to the design. adds deprecated featureImage prop to lint rule.
  • fa02bd7: provides fallback to product/sku for cartItem image url
  • 9371f50: use cartAction instead of callback for addToCart button
  • Updated dependencies [8c694e8]
  • Updated dependencies [92d075b]
  • Updated dependencies [372826d]
  • Updated dependencies [beb3459]
  • Updated dependencies [eb3e9dc]
  • Updated dependencies [fa02bd7]
  • Updated dependencies [448d0b3]
  • Updated dependencies [71b179c]
  • Updated dependencies [03f2414]
  • Updated dependencies [026ac2d]
  • Updated dependencies [9371f50]
  • Updated dependencies [12c9aeb]
  • Updated dependencies [4e3f4d9]


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [29be2cb]
  • Updated dependencies [7d04547]
  • Updated dependencies [44b0af0]
  • Updated dependencies [9b21ea4]
  • Updated dependencies [c0a2ba0]
  • Updated dependencies [2c94a80]
  • Updated dependencies [d92f848]


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • ce9f3f9: Created forgot password page

Patch Changes

  • edc0ea0: Update @types/react

  • 1d9105f9: add async functionality to addToCart

  • 573c615: added mock account pages to starter kit

  • e46a974: Fixes issue with create-nextjs and cleans up various small items

  • 76904a0: Cart now uses a context and will update if changed elsewhere

    Note: You will need to wrap with CommerceProvider or CartProvider for this to work. CommerceProvider handles providers for all of commerce, including cart.

  • 4a33691: removes the password validation from the login on the frontend to align with changes that were made in the design system

  • Updated dependencies [1c32591]

  • Updated dependencies [0058a13]

  • Updated dependencies [d9b775e]

  • Updated dependencies [edc0ea0]

  • Updated dependencies [1d9105f9]

  • Updated dependencies [573c615]

  • Updated dependencies [2c4ad32]

  • Updated dependencies [c90d8c5]

  • Updated dependencies [e46a974]

  • Updated dependencies [aaba80a]

  • Updated dependencies [ccc5201]

  • Updated dependencies [ce79f28]

  • Updated dependencies [4d05898]

  • Updated dependencies [044dd54a]


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • a6f51dd: Added support for next.js preview mode.

Patch Changes

  • 14b73fa: Fix error with resourceVersion access in getStaticProps
  • Updated dependencies [8ed63b9]
  • Updated dependencies [4650507]
  • Updated dependencies [092eaac]
  • Updated dependencies [f1b56dd]
  • Updated dependencies [e544ab0]
  • Updated dependencies [1a920fd]
  • Updated dependencies [ccc9c8f]
  • Updated dependencies [5a00441]
  • Updated dependencies [dee04c7]
  • Updated dependencies [c2c87af]
  • Updated dependencies [f53004d]
  • Updated dependencies [cb6cd3d]


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [3bbca34]
  • Updated dependencies [57d32c1]
  • Updated dependencies [0f87339]
  • Updated dependencies [57826f9]
  • Updated dependencies [d33f7d8]
  • Updated dependencies [e71d050]
  • Updated dependencies [8adc6a9]
  • Updated dependencies [bad32e7]
  • Updated dependencies [d12eb31]


Patch Changes

  • 5d97b7d: replace standalone Pagination component in Catalog page with built-in productList pagination option
  • 4257b24: Update create-gesso to import figma tokens if user does not select to create design system
  • Updated dependencies [c01fa18]
  • Updated dependencies [bcccf78]
  • Updated dependencies [e05d614]
  • Updated dependencies [c7a6fb1]
  • Updated dependencies [bdea40c]
  • Updated dependencies [5e24633]
  • Updated dependencies [3792349]
  • Updated dependencies [e31db58]
  • Updated dependencies [1453486]
  • Updated dependencies [e3fe550]
  • Updated dependencies [3e323de]
  • Updated dependencies [d49b257]
  • Updated dependencies [f70d971]
  • Updated dependencies [5d97b7d]
  • Updated dependencies [5a538dd]


Patch Changes

  • 7ce641f: includes SlideCarouselWrapper css at _app level for Drupal
  • Updated dependencies [7ce641f]
  • Updated dependencies [55d404b]


Major Changes

  • f49ee1f: gesso v4 version bump

Patch Changes

  • 6cf6d59: Fix issue with create script options when passed via cli args with incorrect case
  • Updated dependencies [f49ee1f]
  • Updated dependencies [80e1851]
  • Updated dependencies [f49ee1f]
  • Updated dependencies [f49ee1f]


Minor Changes

  • 3e14ca8: Components can now use a commerce context to get commerce hooks

Patch Changes

  • 3e14ca8: Fix lint error in generated CartPage
  • Updated dependencies [1e70d9a]
  • Updated dependencies [c96d879]
  • Updated dependencies [3e14ca8]
  • Updated dependencies [140517a]
  • Updated dependencies [22a13a8]
  • Updated dependencies [356bd03]


Patch Changes

  • 6d03d1a: update nextjs demo to align the steppers
  • Updated dependencies [44679cb]
  • Updated dependencies [d564220]

1.14.8 (2023-01-11)


Minor Changes

  • 9e82c2a: Update .figmagicrc within create-nextjs to include durationUnit and set it to ms.

Patch Changes

  • e11e9d0: Fix incorrect total items on checkout review
  • 0597017: adds temp fixes to productCard for demo
  • 140193f: - adds props to control whether to include cardLinkText and status in ProductList's child ProductCards.
    • removes implementations of cardLinkText and status in create-nextjs index and cart pages.
  • 1157923: adds link to cart to alert message when item is added to cart
  • Updated dependencies [31a4ed8]
  • Updated dependencies [1f759ce]
  • Updated dependencies [0597017]
  • Updated dependencies [57d5974]
  • Updated dependencies [9e82c2a]
  • Updated dependencies [140433c]
  • Updated dependencies [140193f]
  • Updated dependencies [6e829a7]
  • Updated dependencies [1157923]
  • Updated dependencies [257465a]


Patch Changes

  • 1b06635: - deprecates Swiper components (CardGroupCarousel, HeroBanner, LogoCarousel) and introduces a single carousel component (SlideCarouselWrapper) that can more reliably handle all of their implementations by passing children.
    • converts ProductDetails component to use SlideCarouselWrapper under the hood.
    • swaps out Swiper components for SlideCarouselWrapper in create-nextjs CartPage and Index (Product page also prepped for SlideCarouselWrapper, not being used in current implementation).
    • adds PureReactCarousel and related dependencies as needed.
  • fa1d5d4: updates cards on homepage to use align prop
  • Updated dependencies [1b06635]
  • Updated dependencies [cead30c]
  • Updated dependencies [37ef911]
  • Updated dependencies [eb19197]
  • Updated dependencies [d0e1a90]
  • Updated dependencies [4b61b45]
  • Updated dependencies [686a375]


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [570cf0b]
  • Updated dependencies [b31e8d9]
  • Updated dependencies [78b00e9]
  • Updated dependencies [c5ee4d7]


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 5a04f4e: created e2e cypress test for /catalog to /checkout/complete

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [cc71723]
  • Updated dependencies [1fd2cb5]
  • Updated dependencies [42523cf]
  • Updated dependencies [f8db0e7]
  • Updated dependencies [2ec810f]
  • Updated dependencies [5a04f4e]


Patch Changes

  • 89df947: Add missing NEXT_PUBLIC_BIGCOMMERCE_STOREFRONT_URL to created .env
  • 89df947: Fix useRouter to get sku instead of nonexistant productId
  • 946649c: Add missing 'standalone' nextjs option
  • 1c79281: Remove leftover references and usage of yarn
  • 89df947: Move useRouter to correct scope to remove weird caching errors
  • Updated dependencies [a4fd43e]
  • Updated dependencies [541a60a]
  • Updated dependencies [6314f3d]
  • Updated dependencies [89df947]
  • Updated dependencies [741bf80]
  • Updated dependencies [6314f3d]
  • Updated dependencies [0c3d946]
  • Updated dependencies [8f4e281]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 6347b5a: Fixes issue with incorrect id returning for product from bigcommerce useProduct
  • 177abd9: Fix issue with missing bigcommerce env config after project setup
  • 21fcdcf: Fixes issue in product page template with query param not coming through
  • Updated dependencies [6347b5a]


Minor Changes

  • 3b6e7d2: Implements useCheckout in starterkit, Fixes useCheckout create/update billing methods

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [b5363cb]
  • Updated dependencies [5e1958b]
  • Updated dependencies [3b6e7d2]
  • Updated dependencies [b5363cb]
  • Updated dependencies [dc7b3b8]
  • Updated dependencies [29baa36]


Minor Changes

  • d96180d: Adds Product page to starter-kit
  • 88e31ce: add checkout page to the create-nextjs-script and adjust Stepper component
  • 1dc4726: created the checkout review page

Patch Changes

  • 7804889: Removes page title from dynamic route in nextjs starter
  • Updated dependencies [d094c4e]
  • Updated dependencies [2a79683]
  • Updated dependencies [fcacb55]
  • Updated dependencies [769c049]
  • Updated dependencies [1dc4726]
  • Updated dependencies [e660f24]
  • Updated dependencies [d96180d]
  • Updated dependencies [53f61f0]
  • Updated dependencies [6bcc71c]
  • Updated dependencies [dcd81267]
  • Updated dependencies [2aee2d5]
  • Updated dependencies [88e31ce]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 74fe59b: - adds checkout/complete to NextJS starter kit
    • related component fixes
  • 73acb6b: adds Catalog to the create-nextjs-script adjust minor styling to ProductList

Patch Changes

  • c7bd2ff: Fix a few minor linting errors
  • Updated dependencies [74fe59b]
  • Updated dependencies [4b58beb]
  • Updated dependencies [73acb6b]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 9f3dc25: feat: adds cartpage to create-nextjs starter and related component fixes in design system
  • 3d77d67: fix: moves CartPage into components directory so it is not incorrectly exposed as a pages path
  • df58321: Refactor steps to run setup cms after setup commerce
  • c2bf14a: Update create-nextjs templates for drupal CMS default configuration
  • Updated dependencies [9f3dc25]
  • Updated dependencies [2a4525a]
  • Updated dependencies [38d4ff5]


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 253117a: created loginPage template and customized the components inside of it (createAccount and AccountSignInForm

Patch Changes

  • 043e742: Adds dynamic checkout step page and test to create-nextjs starter
  • Updated dependencies [fc8acfc]
  • Updated dependencies [08504fc]
  • Updated dependencies [d2f8098]
  • Updated dependencies [253117a]
  • Updated dependencies [d2f8098]


Patch Changes

  • 3951fdf: Change starter kits to commonjs and remove usage of esm module


Patch Changes

  • e87d20a: Add missing option for bigcommerce hash and storefront url
  • Updated dependencies [e87d20a]
  • Updated dependencies [3823a80]
  • Updated dependencies [e87d20a]
  • Updated dependencies [10bbe72]


Minor Changes

  • 8ffc5aa: - adds PageLayout and Gesso Commerce Demo homepage to create-nextjs script.
    • Minor styling adjustments to HeaderToolbar and NavigationBar components in the design system to fix functionality issues in NextJS environment.

Patch Changes

  • 93ece98: Update created frontend project to have scaffold token files so tokens are no longer required ootb
  • Updated dependencies [8ffc5aa]
  • Updated dependencies [93ece98]
  • Updated dependencies [93ece98]
  • Updated dependencies [1ec5a51]
  • Updated dependencies [7c5aca9]
  • Updated dependencies [7c5aca9]
  • Updated dependencies [c92392f]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 33feba4: Add cms and commerce options to nextjs starter kit
  • cd5805b: Generated package.json will now have correct package name set
  • 33feba4: Remove some unused nextjs settings
  • cd5805b: Optional dependencies will now be correctly added
  • Updated dependencies [33feba4]
  • Updated dependencies [cd5805b]
  • Updated dependencies [0057bd3]
  • Updated dependencies [7b32787]
  • Updated dependencies [9722e15]
  • Updated dependencies [33feba4]


Patch Changes

  • 179a616: Fix create nextjs script not including dist directory


Patch Changes

  • dcc1603: Remove code-coverage and related babel dependencies
  • 7f01b29: Defaults to esm imports via typescript instead of commonjs
  • 4a177c8: Fontawesome pro is no longer required


Patch Changes

  • f3a1599: add option to use pnpm during install
  • f3a1599: updated to cypress 12


Minor Changes

  • f8a0506: Removed project level .npmrc setup in favour of home dir

Patch Changes

  • 364586d: Add missing entries to generated gitignore


Minor Changes

  • f544d87: Adds ability to override or provide additional dependencies during create-nextjs

Patch Changes

  • a06fe20: Cleanup nextjs generated Dockerfile to be more efficient


Patch Changes

  • bfbec5a: Switch publishing from npm to acro registry


Patch Changes

  • 9a2b851: Remove dependency on create next-app


Minor Changes

  • bdce5a2: Automatically apply defaults to nextjs starter kit and have interactive mode accessible via --interactive
  • 5ca991d: Add additional templates and config to nextjs starter


Patch Changes

  • 04099a2: Fix issue with yarn when running create nextjs


Major Changes

  • a11ea27: Release v3 Gesso packages


Minor Changes

  • 930ab47: Add theme and figmagic defaults to starter kit

Patch Changes

  • 930ab47: Remove gesso module define in starter kit so Gesso types can be used


Patch Changes

  • 35cd3ac: Fix issue with create next app

Bug Fixes

  • issue with token during input (f458d79)

1.14.7 (2023-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • husky commit hooks and default readme for new projects (bee812f)

1.14.6 (2023-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • added console.logs to determine where it fails (03f3e35)
  • added tests to ensure npmrc from root is copied and pasted in new projects (761aa4d)
  • added token variables for CI job (e34d4c1)
  • adding jest test for new useCase (517f6d1)
  • changed test structure with mike (56ff8c5)
  • implemented test to ensure folderName included with script is lowerCased (4b9e2ab)
  • test case which runs the full script start to finish (99e46f6)

1.14.5 (2022-11-29)

Bug Fixes

  • used GESSO component for index.tsx (1ecfb35)

1.14.4 (2022-11-25)

Bug Fixes

1.14.3 (2022-11-22)

Bug Fixes

  • issue with next app script stalling due to eslint option (0f4b020)

1.14.2 (2022-10-28)

Bug Fixes

  • issue with styles when setting up new project (22474d8)
  • remove javascript as option default to typescript (ebec16d)

1.14.1 (2022-10-28)

Bug Fixes

1.14.0 (2022-07-29)

Bug Fixes

  • remove some additional testing-library instances (b719e2d)


1.13.1 (2022-06-03)

Bug Fixes

  • check os for filepath support (5ef4b33)

1.13.0 (2022-04-22)


1.12.0 (2022-04-22)


  • adds prompts for gesso tokens and installs gesso defaults and adds typescript support (31ccdc0)

1.11.2 (2022-03-02)

Bug Fixes

1.11.1 (2022-02-10)

Bug Fixes

  • package version conflicts on deploy (50303c5)

1.11.0 (2022-02-10)


  • fixes documentation (a9ce94d)
  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)
  • templates: adds templates and dependencies for including commitlint and commitizen (7257186)

1.12.0 (2022-02-09)


1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)
  • templates: adds templates and dependencies for including commitlint and commitizen (7257186)

1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)
  • templates: adds templates and dependencies for including commitlint and commitizen (7257186)

1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)
  • templates: adds templates and dependencies for including commitlint and commitizen (7257186)

1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)
  • templates: adds templates and dependencies for including commitlint and commitizen (7257186)

1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)
  • templates: adds templates and dependencies for including commitlint and commitizen (7257186)

1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)

1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)

1.11.0 (2022-02-09)


  • update package registry location. (2f3a786)

1.10.0 (2022-01-11)


  • add translation support via next-i18next (e0c0c31)

1.9.3 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • dependency changes with next 12 (f4eed8b)

1.9.2 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • tests with swc configuration (e54243a)

1.9.1 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • issue with gitignore copy, append to next gitignore (fb5175d)

1.9.0 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • missing next.config updates (2c49779)


  • allow skipping git initialization (ebb93fc)

1.8.0 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • linting standards in template files (e3449aa)


  • update next & lint config for next 12 (d09b81b)
  • update next & lint config for next 12 (49675f4)

1.7.3 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • missing gitignores, remove console logs (fc4f122)
  • project created with name undefined (41a42dd)

1.7.2 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • bin name to match package name (4d197bb)

1.7.1 (2021-12-10)

Bug Fixes

  • readme with correct useage (13bf7e9)

1.6.0 (2021-12-10)


  • adds promps to opt out of cypress, lagoon, typescript setup (711fb4e)

1.5.0 (2021-12-10)


  • ask for project name when none specified (9affe7f)

1.4.0 (2021-11-26)

Bug Fixes

  • adds missing next.config.js template (716ea98)
  • code standards (112b27d)
  • conflicts with master (89c3d72)
  • gitlab ci node image version (9a3dead)
  • gitlab ci node image version (30f5cef)
  • node version requirement for semantic release (f969a6c)
  • project name validation (d0cc3ed)
  • remove yarn install and use cache in semantic release (6167189)
  • run test in ci (2305019)


  • adds typescript build flag (f98f919)
  • validate the project name does not contain captials (d8166c2)
  • validate the project name does not contain captials (585ef7f)
  • validate the project name does not contain captials (521e74c)

1.3.0 (2021-09-07)


1.2.0 (2021-09-07)

Bug Fixes


1.1.1 (2021-08-31)

Bug Fixes

  • missing custom .gitignore (14161f2)
  • missing example configuration files necessary to run Gesso based DS (d6693f7)
  • missing example.npmrc (11b89e3)

1.1.0 (2021-08-26)


  • adds validation for project name, adds npmrc file (d75b0e5)

1.0.22 (2021-08-26)

Bug Fixes

  • remove any valid eslint config generated by nextjs (9f496b9)

1.0.21 (2021-08-23)

Bug Fixes

  • missing documentation on server side styling issues when using material ui (38bde2a)

1.0.20 (2021-08-23)

Bug Fixes

  • linting command extension defaults (8c261d2)

1.0.19 (2021-07-29)

Bug Fixes

  • .dockerignore ignores env files (3af5d67)

1.0.18 (2021-07-29)

Bug Fixes

  • removes remaining console spy warnings (8b0e462)

1.0.17 (2021-07-28)

Bug Fixes

  • issue with copy not working with .gitignore, append additions instead (9448bc1)

1.0.16 (2021-07-28)

Bug Fixes

1.0.15 (2021-07-28)

Bug Fixes

1.0.14 (2021-07-28)

Bug Fixes

1.0.13 (2021-07-28)

Bug Fixes

1.0.12 (2021-07-26)

Bug Fixes

1.0.11 (2021-07-21)

Bug Fixes

  • lagoon deployment issue with dockerfile and docker-compose under lagoon dir (25b048b)

1.0.10 (2021-07-21)

Bug Fixes

  • linting errors on test files (e4668ad)

1.0.9 (2021-07-21)

Bug Fixes

1.0.8 (2021-07-21)

Bug Fixes

  • package versioning conflict with semantic release (709a260)

1.0.7 (2021-07-21)

Bug Fixes

  • testing libraries and adds example tests (b334bbe)

1.0.6 (2021-07-20)

Bug Fixes

  • package json bin entry invalid (b10bd2a)

1.0.5 (2021-07-20)

Bug Fixes

1.0.4 (2021-07-20)

Bug Fixes

  • adds missing husky config pre-commit (dbe9708)

1.0.3 (2021-07-20)

Bug Fixes

  • template files, and adds some package.json scripts (2234b6f)

1.0.2 (2021-07-19)

Bug Fixes

1.0.1 (2021-07-15)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0 (2021-07-15)

Bug Fixes

  • semantic release command not found (1740215)
  • semantic release job (375a36c)
  • semantic release job (ef95729)
  • semantic-release (5414b6d)
  • semantic-release command missing (4558a88)
  • semantic-release command missing (17e1a03)


  • add commit lint and semantic release (e155f9e)